Yizkor Book Name Index from JewishGen
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Yizkor Book Name Index from JewishGen
105,562 pages
This collection contains an index of individuals included in Yizkor books commemorating Jewish communities in Eastern Europe that were destroyed during the Holocaust. Records normally contain an individual’s name and residence, a reference to the original Yizkor Book itself, as well as any comments from the entry corresponding to the mentioned individual.<br><br>This collection has been provided to MyHeritage by JewishGen, Inc., an independent organization, which retains all rights, title, and interest in the data. © 2021 JewishGen, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit <a href="https://jewishgen.org/welcome-myheritage/" target="blank">JewishGen</a> for more information and to search its database.<br><br>This index is the result of JewishGen’s ongoing Yizkor Book Project to translate Yizkor books and consolidate names in its Yizkor Book Master Name Index (YBMNI).
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