Jewish Holocaust Memorials and Jewish Residents of Germany 1939-1945
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Jewish Holocaust Memorials and Jewish Residents of Germany 1939-1945
848,843 records
This collection includes records of Jewish Holocaust victims from memorials in Czechia, Netherlands, France, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg. The collection also includes 442,972 Jews who lived in Germany from 1933 to 1945. A record may include: given name, surname, maiden name, birth date, birthplace, residence, death date, death place, place of imprisonment, and deportation or emigration.<br><br><p>The list of Jewish residents in the German Reich 1933 – 1945 records the individual life and biography dates of about 600,000 persons, who resided in the German Reich (borders of the Reich as per 31 December 1937) and who were persecuted because of their Jewish origin or religion. </p><br><p>Population censuses were taken on June 16 1933 and May 17 1939. These two censuses provide information about the number of Jewish residents in Germany. Nevertheless, the dramatic decrease of the Jewish share of the population in the 1930s due to emigration and expulsion as well as ageing of the population and the subsequent decline in the birth rate in the Jewish population becomes apparent: While in June 1933 almost 500,000 members of the Jewish religious community had been registered, there were only approximately 234,000 people of Jewish origin left in May 1939, who were spread across the territory of the old Reich.</p>
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Estella Blits (born Agsteribbe)Died: Sep 17 1943
Estella was a Jewish Dutch gymnast. She won the gold medal as member of the Dutch gymnastics team at the 1928 Summer Olympics in her native Amsterdam. She was murdered in Auschwitz on Sep 17, 1943.