Einar Sundt Web Site

Welcome to Einar Sundt Web Site

My name is Einar FALSEN SUNDT /Don Buchanan and I started this site in the name of my great grandfather Einar Sundt . With your help I'll be trying to update all relevant branches of the Sundt family. Presumably little information has been gathered since the Sundt book II was last published in 1916. This site aimes to record both the distant past and the most recent heritage of the Sundt family, and in dew time, many more of all those I am related to.My grandparents family names are: Sundt, Falsen, Buchanan and Henderson.  Regarding my family background here in Norway, not so distantly, I am also related to families such as: Mortensen, Lund, Dreier, Mauritz Hansen, Ellingsen and Tofte. History of this site: It was started mid-desember 2009 only active for a year or so. I thought I would have continued time for thiis, but some heath and home upgradements and also love has come in between, I will try to put in some time on this site during 2013, because I'm still very busy all the rest of 2012. Not many photos have been collected yet, so I was hoping you members could apply photos and you might also fill in some more basic information about yourselves. Going back to my great grandfather Einar Sundt, this site completely outlines "my" branch of the present Sundt family. I have started to outline one generation further back, so to record the present family of brothers and sisters of my great great grandfather Eilert Lund Sundt, from Farsund.  

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