John Allen & Sharon Lee Tuharsky Web Site

Welcome to John Allen & Sharon Lee Tuharsky Web Site

My name is John Tuharsky and I started this site.Initial entries may not have basic information and dates.  Please review immediate family entries and verify entry for accuracy and or missing information.  Our e-address is merged records from Svagerko research of 727 entries giving us 921 entries.  This web sight will only show 250 entries with basic subscription.  I will attach gedcom file & e-mail to those who request file. A promising future to combine our heritage records with the research of Fitts, Plvan, Moore and Davis records would give us all a gift of family unity.Gods blessings and our love,Sharon & John This site was created using This is a great system that allows anyone like you and me to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos.

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