Crompton Family Tree Web Site

Welcome to Crompton Family Tree Web Site

 Hi Everyone,Latest find is that I was able to download Grandad Monks Service records for the NZ Army WW1 & WW2.  Also finally managed to locate a converter so these all show up more clearly.  Have uploaded the Blackwatch magazine as well which is viewable in the Auckland Museum and was written at the time Grandad was on ship over to the UK as a young man.   Not sure if some of the MoD records were just opened up because I did it on Anzac day but if if they come to arrest me one of you will have to post bail.  Haha Didn't manage to find Dad or Joe Crompton on the MoD site so presumably they haven't released yet.  Does anyone know if Joe did actually serve in the Wars as I really don't recall anyone every mentioning it. Have fun.x

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