Olson Family

Welcome to Olson Family

The family of John and Lydia Olson of Spooner, Wisconsin and Vancouver, Washington.My name is Karli Alene Anderson and I am the Site manager of this site.  I've become interested in geneology recently and decided to make this site.  I'm sure many of you have a lot to add and I've probably made many mistakes, so I would love to hear from you. Right now we are using a basic, free site. This allows us 250 people and 250MB of storage. Do keep in mind though, this site is specifically for the Olson family. If you want to add other people (for example relatives of spouses) please make a family tree of your own for your other family. It is because of the limited number of people that I have not added distant members of our family (such as Brita's siblings and their descendents ) even though we have that information. What you should do: edit information (press on the plus sign on a person), add information, add pictures, comment on pictures, view statistics, print your own reports, etc. Please tell me if you have any questions!Add Pictures: click on the photos and videos tab → click "add new album" OR choose an existing album and click "add photos & videos"Tag Pictures: click "Photos & Videos"→ " tag people" .  Invite People: click "Invite more family" → find the person → add email address If you have any comments or feedback about this site, please click here to contact me.

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