Families of Metisse's Acadiennes

Welcome to Families of Metisse's Acadiennes

My name is  Rick Sinclair, and I started this site as a gift and tribute to the Duguay Family of the North Shore,  New Brunswick.    Bienvenue a Tous and Wecome to ALL It has become a gathering of my wife's 1600's Acadian and 1700's Micmac Gaspe/Shippagan ancestry and my Sinclair  heritage of 1800's Scots into Middlesex County in SW Ontario. My humble respect  encourages us to emulate these three strong  pioneer goups who have contributed their genes to numerous North Americans. Let us ensure that their untiring toil and efforts are honoured with our ongoing mutual care, love and awareness.Separate data bases entitled "Duguay" and "Sinclair" identify each group only for convenience and efficiency of searching.This site was created using MyHeritage.com. This is a great system that allows anyone to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos. I encouage all to add or correct detail and photos of their associated relations, which can be accomplished on individual sites excluding the World Site I,  where only I can make adjustments.  My suggestion is for each member to download the "My Heritage" program for their own private detail. This site as a "Premium"  purchase allows unlimited data accumulation and storage. It also has the benefit of all of the aspects of their Corporate products which I would be happy to consider sharing with you on request. My personal email is McCearda at gmail.com Je  m'appelle Rick Sinclair et je suis le webmaster de ce site.Ce site a été créé en utilisant MyHeritage.com. C'est un excellent système qui permet à quiconque comme vous et moi de créer un site privé pour sa famille, construire son arbre généalogique et partager ses photos de famille. Si vous avez des commentaires ou des remarques sur ce site, veuillez cliquer here pour me contacter.Our family tree is posted online on this site! There are 80630 names in our family site.Le site a été mis à jour la dernière fois le May 21 2024, et il compte actuellement 108 membre(s) inscrit(s). If you wish to become a member too, please click here.   Profitez-en !

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