Amon Family Tree

Welcome to Amon Family Tree

My name is Sondra Mae Hallett Amon and I am the Site manager of this site.Every journey starts with a small step. Eventually I know that I will pursue this as a project and research the family history back. But it has to start somewhere. I think it would be great for our children to have this information available to them. Please enter your ALL of your birth names, birthdates and if you can birthplaces for yourselves and your children if they are not of an age to do it themselves. Just find your name, or your parent's name if your names are not already entered and click on the add link within the box. Birthplace can be added by clicking the Birth Link located at the left of the screen while your entry is selected. For our grandparents, if you know the names, date and place of death, and even better, place of birth, Go ahead and add them to the treeAny questions, just click here to contact me.  I look forward to seeing this tree grow!This site was created using This is a great system that allows anyone like you and I to create a site for their family and even publish their family tree on the Internet.

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