Burghart's Site Rooted in Southern KS

Welcome to Burghart's Site Rooted in Southern KS

My name is Regina Burghart Burress and I am the Site manager of this site.This Burghart Family site was created using MyHeritage.com. This is a great system that allows anyone like you and I to create a site for our family and even view and update our family tree. We can also share pictures and stuff on line.If you have any comments or feedback about this site, please click rburress81@hotmail.com  to contact me. I would LOVE to hear from anyone interested!!**When you come to the site you can sign up to MyHeritage. It will ask you for your email and a password (this is free and I just use my regular email and password). You will be asked if you want to request membership. Then,I will get an email and grant you access. After that,  you can add pictures, share comments, and put missing info on the tree! **If you recived an email inviting you to visit the site you are all ready to add pics, comments, and add to the tree.I am really excited to see how big we can get this 'tree' to be. I know we have some long tangled roots. Hope to see your postings soon! Enjoy!Love your cousin, neice, daughter... Regina Burghart Burress

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