Alve-Milne Family NZ

Welcome to Alve-Milne Family NZ

The Milnes as you might appreciate have a significant Scottish Heritage with a bit of Midlands English flavour. Milne ancestors arrived in New Zealand in the 1880s (Tooby and Parry) from England, and in 1912 (Milne) from Aberdeen and in 1925 (Gordon & Walker) from Scotland via Bournemouth, UK. The Alves might sound Spanish or Portugese but we have found no hint of that; rather German and Scandanavian on one side and lots of English on the other. Alve ancestors hit New Zealand in 1876 (Alve) and 1917 (Wagner via Tasmania) from Germany and 1857 (Relf) and 1877 (Farmer) from England.Other surnames related are: Tooby, Walker, Gordon, Findlay, Parry, McIntyre, McMillan on Margaret side. Elcox, Wagner, Mollers, Hauke, Nicolai, Farmer, Relf on Terry side. We have both incorporated our DNA results into this My Heritage site so this may help you to quickly check if we are kin; that is if you have posted your DNA result here too! Nga mihi Margaret (nee Milne) & Terry Alve - updated 18 May 2022

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