Sander Family Web Site

Welcome to Sander Family Web Site

Mitt namn är Hans Bojne Sander och jag startade denna släktplats.  We should not forget those who have lived, loved and struggled before us; even as we would not ourselves wish to be utterly forgotten. It is a pious duty we owe to them to rescue their names and lives from being utterly lost. I have been induced to publish these Records of our family and connexions, in order to preserve memorials which would otherwise probably perish and be forgotten.   In the history of almost every family, however humble, there is something useful to be learned, and I am in hopes the following pages may not be without value to those younger members of our family who, scattered as they are through every quarter of the globe, could in no other way acquire formation regarding their ancestors and connexions. As many of those of ' nearest kin ' have been separated, and  indeed have never met each other, I have given, where possible, very full particulars of the present position of several members of the family. It has been a pleasure to me to trace out our descent, and though I have not gone so minutely into it as I could have wished, and would have done, had I been able to spare more time from other absorbing avocations, yet I feel happy to think that a considerable amount of information has been collected, interesting to relatives now, and which may, in future years, be found exceedingly useful.Could not have put it better myself so thank you Robert Cassells when you wrote this in 1870. IMPORTANT !  Please note that the images you see on this website ARE not necessarily of the person described. I prefer to have anything instead of a blank box and you can use your imagination. After 1900 most of the images in the tree are authentic.   Om Du vill ha det på svenska, klicka längst upp på SvenskaSläktplatsen uppdaterades senast den Sep 30 2014 och har 36 registrerad(e) medlem(mar).   Mycket nöje!Untold numbers of Swedes can trace their origins back to Erik XIV. Through his and Agda Persdotter's daughters Virginia and Constantia many genealogists have found the certain link back to royalities of the dark ages.King Erik also had another daughter, Margareta, whose mother was supposed to be a farmer's daughter from Öland. This daughter married a local clergyman in Horn parish of Östergötland, and this couple have 1000s of decendants. De äldsta bevarade bilderna på svenska flaggan är från 1500-talets Finland. När Gustav Vasa gav sina söner hertigdömen fick Johan (III) Åbo slott i Finland och i hans sköld kan man tydligt se två svenska flaggor nere i högra hörnet (se bilden till vänster). Från Gustav Vasas tid och framåt började man se den svenska flaggan allt mer - dock var den fortfarande bara en kunglig symbol.  

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