William A MacLean Family Web Site

Welcome to William A MacLean Family Web Site

My name is William A MacLean and I started this site.This site was created using MyHeritage.com. This is a great system that allows anyone like you and me to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos. Our main objective is to preserve and promote the customs traditions and heritage of the Scottish people, by educating our families, friends, and the public, with the fascinating Scottish history, culture, music, poetry, art and literature.Dedico este humilde trabajo a todos mis familiares en Chile, Perú o donde sea que se encuentren por el mundo realizando sus sueños. Este apellido es digno de orgullo de una increible historia. De antepasados nobles y destacados personajes, heroes de importantes batallas, no solo en Escocia sino tambien en muchos paises alrededor del mundo. ...!!!Orgulloso de ser MacLean... Gracias a Dios que soy MacLean...!!!  Un gran abrazo. I dedicate this humble work to all my relatives in Chile, Perú or where ever you are realizing your dreams. Have a big hug. !!!...I am Proud to be MacLean...Thanks God I am MacLean...!!!If you have any comments or feedback about this site, please click here to contact me.

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