Paul F Kingston Web Site

Welcome to Paul F Kingston Web Site

Hi All, I am so glad that you made it here, it means my emails have hit their targets.  I just started this thing about a month ago and it has already grown larger then I would have guessed.  I owe a great deal to the Danny Crowe for providing most of the data up to now.  I will continue to add as I can but now the efforts of all (just a little) are required to really get this rolling.  I have made some contact with Tom Kingston of Vancouver and he has amassed a tremendous amount of data about the decendants of Sam and Lillian Kingston.  He has also completed a rather large file detailing all the decendants of Paul F and Lydia Kingston.  I will include what I can.  There have been more than a few births since it was last updated so there remians much to do.  I hope you all find something here of interest.thxs Tom K and Dan C Humbled by it allLouis 

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