Gaines-Jeffrey Web Site

Welcome to Gaines-Jeffrey Web Site

My name is Michele Sample and I am the Webmaster of this site.This site was created using This is a great system that allows anyone like you and me to create a site for their family and even publish their family tree on the Internet.  As most of you already know, my Grandma Betty Barbre was very much interested in learning about her family. I was unaware to the extent this was until after she passed, and I became more interested in knowing what she knew about our history. When I started copying her notes and files, I became overwhelmed at how deeply she felt about geneology. In fact, I found that she was quoted to be an "expert Geneologist" by the author of The Barbre Book, in which she helped research. As I have begun to copy and organize her data, to this point, I have discovered that she had penned her own knowledge of our family, in compilations she called "Our Jeffrey Clan" and "The Berry Bunch".  In effort to try and follow in her footsteps, I am going to attempt to gather information on new additions to our family, since 1996 (when she wrote the above mentioned papers),  but also to try to delve deeper into our history.  In order to accomplish this I need your help.  Any names, dates, phone numbers or addresses you can provide me is appreciated. I hope you enjoy searching through the history of what I have managed to enter thus far.  There is so much more information that needs to be added, I do hope you return here to discover more of our history as I have. Please contact me if there are any questions or mistakes.  Thank you,Michele Our family tree is posted online on this site! There are 530 names in our family site.The site was last updated on July 10 2017, and it currently has 3 registered member(s). If you wish to become a member too, please click here.  

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