Meme Gallant & Veracruz Ricci/Cuesta Family Websi...

Welcome to Meme Gallant & Veracruz Ricci/Cuesta Family Websites

My name is Helen Rizi and I started this site.This website is a combination of several personal geneology websites:  The Meme Gallant website, the Ricci/Cuesta Veracruz website, and the Banbridge N Ireland Rogan website.Please invite any family members to visit the website--unfortunately many of the family email addresses I have are out of date.  Please add pictures and let us know what you are up to these days.  The Meme Gallant website chronicles the Martin/Gallant lineage of PEI Canada and dates back to the 1500's in France on my husband's maternal side of the family.  My husband's grandmother was known as Meme.  I have always thought that Meme would have liked it if the family kept in touch with each other and this is a great way to do this on line.The Banbridge, North Ireland website delineates my husband's Irish paternal heritage.  The Irish were also of Scottish descent and most relatives now live near Banbridge, North Ireland. The Ricci/Cuesta Veracruz website is my father's geneology.  My father was born in Mexico and his ancesters were mainly Italian who immigrated to Mexico around the late 1890's.  My mother's family tree is very well represented on another My Heritage website run by Bill Lucak--Bajerovce.    

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