Glynn Baker Web Site

Welcome to Glynn Baker Web Site

It is now a few years since I started researching my family tree and I have now nearly reached the end of my search. With age came the realization that I wanted to know my roots, who I was and those closely related yet unknown. To my great satisfaction I have added a long lost cousin, three half sisters and a half brother. A number of family myths have been dispelled and a few surprises have come to light. I have come to regret, that when younger, I did not ask more questions and demand more answers and much of my family history is lost. There are a number of families who feature prominently in this history but I made the decision to follow the male heirs down through the generations, but might in time, go back and look at where some of the females made their mark. The Jacksons, Huggins, Glynn-Bakers & Cowans have them all convicts, soldiers, sailors, doctors, clergy and above all travellers. All were committed to bettering their and their families lot and fortunes went up and down through the generations. The site is restricted to invited guests only but if those who have access have any information to impart please do so it would be most welcome as will photos, news paper articles  and corrections where I have gone wrong.I hope you enjoy the family tree and find it as interesting as I.  My e-mail address: j.jackson141@talktalk.netPhone 0141 779 3141. 

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