Cellier Web Site

Welcome to Cellier Web Site

My name is François Edouard Cellier and I started this site. This site was created using MyHeritage.com. This is a great system that allows anyone like you and me to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos. Our family tree is posted online on this site! There are 1049 names in our family site. This site began based on earlier research by Alfred Cellier from California, who spent 10 years researching the origins of the Cellier families here in Switzerland (URL: http://cellier.org/).  My own involvement began in 2010.  I translated his genealogical trees to this more modern format for easier manipulation and communication and then expanded them by adding current members of the Cellier family who are still alive.  Now I am researching the city archives of La Neuveville and nearby communities for further information relating to the Cellier family and also other historic families of La Neuveville, the 700th anniversary of which is being celebrated in 2012. Credit is also due to Dr. Olivier Clottu, who compiled an impressively large genealogical tree of the Cellier families of La Neuveville, Canton of Bern, Switzerland onto two hitherto unpublished "Tableaux" (URL: http://www.inf.ethz.ch/~fcellier/Genealogy/Cellier1.jpg and  http://www.inf.ethz.ch/~fcellier/Genealogy/Cellier2.jpg). This is a resource by the members of the Cellier family for the Cellier family with Swiss roots.  MyHeritage supports collaborative maintenance of genealogical sites, and you are all invited to actively contribute to this site.  If you wish to become a member of this site to gain full access to all records and be able to participate in its maintenance, contact me at FCellier@Inf.ETHZ.CH, and I shall gladly make you a member. Only people with Swiss roots who carry Cellier in their names as well as their spouses are shown on the trees, but not their children or parents who are not called Cellier.  This restriction was necessary to prevent the trees from growing in an uncontrolled fashion.  However, other relatives are also invited to request membership in the site so that they can view all records and participate.The site was last updated on Apr 25 2024, and it currently has 39 registered member(s). If you wish to become a member too, please click here.   Enjoy!

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