Gyger Family Web Site

Welcome to Gyger Family Web Site

My name is Lawrence "Larry" Gyger and I started this site. If you have any matches, questions, comments or feedback  EMAIL ME As the name suggests, the site is primarily of the Gyger Family but contains associated families. You will find 2 separate "trees" on this site - one has a gawd-awful long numerical name that has about 227 names in it and is primarily recent Gyger stuff as well as my mother's side of the family.  The other tree is called "Gyger Project - Main".  This tree holds the names of the forefathers and families of my GGGrandmother, Priscilla Rhodes.  John Charles Gyger came to the United States from Switzerland sometime around 1845-1850, depending on where you get the info.  His wife, Priscilla Rhodes, was originally from the Dauphin/Lebanon Counties in PA and her ancestors were firmly entrenched in that area. John and Priscilla were married in Putnam County, IL in 1861 and lived in Bureau County, IL for the rest of their lives.  They had 8 children, two died in infancy and 6 having children of their own. In the Rhodes Connection album, there are 3 pictures of pages that appear to have been taken out of a family bible.  It appears they are in the handwriting of John Rhodes, Priscilla's father.  If there is such a thing as "coveted documents", these would be in that category. McColl is another name I'm researching.  My dad's mother was a McColl, with roots going back to Galt, Canada and beyond.  What a mixture - Swiss, German and Scottish ancestors on the paternal side. It wouldn't be fair to do some research without going to the maternal side of the family.  Morris and Bickett are the primary families on my Mother's side.  While I haven't done a whole lot of research on the Bickett Family, I do have a bunch of information that I have received from other family members.  Beverly Marine has a great web site at <> that shows the Morris side of the family.  She's got more than 7300 names in her tree.Along the way, I'm exploring the ancestors of my wife; Lovejoy, Kyer, Kirk, Burns, Hill are just some of the surnames being researched.While I have tried to make all entries as accurate as possible, some dates are a "best guess" taking into consideration other dates and whatever documentation is available.  Spellings are as I found them in whatever documentation they may have been.  Due to publishing limitations for the level of which I am a member, this particular site only has part of the people that my primary off-line tree contains.  The site was last updated on Oct 27 2019.

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