Australia, First World War Embarkation Rolls
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Australia, First World War Embarkation Rolls
338,236 records
This collection contains records of members of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) who boarded ships for overseas service during the First World War. Records typically include the name of the soldier, date and place of departure, the name of the ship, rank, and military unit. Records may also include biographical information about the soldier and information about the roll itself.<br><br>The AIF was composed of volunteers, fighting across numerous battlefields of the war, from the Western Front, to Gallipoli. It was formed on 15 August 1914 and gained a well-deserved reputation for being highly effective and making a significant contribution to Allied victory. This effectiveness came with heavy losses, with the force suffering one of the highest casualty rates of any belligerent in World War One.<br><br>The date of joining given to each soldier in these records refers to the date on which they joined their current unit, which may not have been the time they joined the Army. Similarly, the port of embarkation may not be the nearest to where soldiers were from, but the one in which the regiment passed through. A soldier could nominate anyone as their next of kin, who would normally be allocated a portion of their pay, but it was most often a close relative such as a parent or spouse.<br><br>These records are © The Australian War Memorial.
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John HinesService: Between Apr 1916 and Nov 1916
John "Barney" Hines was a British-born Australian soldier of World War I, known for his prowess at taking items from German soldiers. Hines was the subject of a famous photo taken after the Battle of Polygon Wood in September 1917, which is among the best-known Australian photographs of the war.