Canadian Obituaries, 1997-2017
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Canadian Obituaries, 1997-2017
2,035,933 records
This collection contains both obituaries and memorials from the 10 Canadian provinces from a variety of sources. These obituaries primarily range from 1997-2017 with limited entries from the previous 100 years.<br><br>This collection includes the name of the deceased, the date of death, the publication source including locality information, and the text of the obituary or memorial—in English or French depending on the source. When available, we include a photograph of the deceased. <br><br>These records are provided by the <a href="">Drouin Genealogical Institute</a>.
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John David MolsonMontréal, Quebec, Canada
John David Molson (1928-2017) was a prominent Canadian business leader and sports executive. Born into the Molson brewing family he worked in the family business and later became renowned for his leadership as president of the Montreal Canadiens which won 5 Stanley Cups during his tenure.