New York City Marriages, 1950-2017
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Search in New York City Marriages, 1950-2017
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New York City Marriages, 1950-2017
9,514,164 records
This collection is an index to over 4 million marriage licenses filed at the New York City Clerk Offices from the five boroughs from 1950 to 2017. The index contains the given names and surnames of both the bride and the groom, the year of the license application, and the license number. Index provided by Reclaim the Records.<br><br>Marriage records are an important genealogical record as they not only record information about the bride, the groom, and their residence when the marriage occurred but often contain additional information such as birth dates, birth places, occupations, and whether single, widowed, or divorced at the time of the marriage. Often a marriage license will also contain information about the parents of the bride and groom including the parents’ names and birthplaces. Copies of the original marriage records in New York City are available for order for a fee from the <a href="">Office of the City Clerk</a>. Marriages 50 or more years old are classified as public documents and are available to all researchers. Marriages less than 50 years old are restricted and only available under certain circumstances that are outlined at the webpage linked to above. Beginning September 2011 same sex marriage was legalized in New York City. Records in this collection reflect this change.
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Robert De NiroMarried: 1976 - Manhattan, New York
Famous American actor and producer, winner of the 1974 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the film The Godfather Part II, and the 1980 Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in the film Raging Bull. In 2016 he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama.