Olenberg.org Web Site

Welcome to Olenberg.org Web Site

My name is Olen Berg Soifer and I am the Webmaster of this site.This site was created using Family Tree Builder (FTB), then uploaded to MyHeritage.com, and linked to our family website, Olenberg.org. FTB is a great FREE program that allows anyone like you and me to create a family tree, attach photos, etc, & publish their family tree on the Internet.  While we have more room for photos, and such, at Olenberg.org, it is still nice to be able to click "leaves" in the "tree" and bring up photos. Multiple people can collaborate with FTB to produce group results.  A link to the free program-download is available at Olenberg.org and here at MyHeritage.  Once you have the program, you can request the latest family data file from the webmaster of Olenberg.org.  With that file imported to FTB,  you do not have to "start from scratch".  When you have enterred everything you like, you can then export and email the form to me and I can merge it with the base file.  Also, while this online tree is somewhat "censored" to protect identities of living people.  The datafile is not censored, so with the datafile and your own copy of FTB, you can see everything on your home computer.  If you have any additions, comments or feedback about this site, please click here to contact me. Family members are encouraged to collaborate in the building of the family website and this family tree. What started out as a tiny "sapling" with only a few dozen people, in June 0f 2008, has now has now grown to be a tree with more than 400 "leaves". Please help it grow even more.The site was last updated on Dec 15 2023. If you wish to become a member too, please click here.   Enjoy!

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