Old Houses of the Ancient Town of Norwich
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Old Houses of the Ancient Town of Norwich
727 records
Old Houses of the Ancient Town of Norwich. Mary E. Perkins. (1895) 2007. Perkins leads a tour of the old town of Norwich, Connecticut, giving the history of each houselot in the village, including information<br><br> on the families that lived in each of the houses, from the settlement of the town in 1659 to the nineteenth century. This is supplemented by genealogies of the major families.<br>In the first four introductory paragraphs, the author describes the settlement of the town, and sets forth her version of a list of the original thirty-four settlers. She then organizes the bulk of the volume as a walking tour of the village, moving from one houselot (or cellar hole) to another.<br>At each stop along the way, she identifies the earliest inhabitant of that lot, frequently someone from the original list of thirty-four. Then, where possible, she follows the ownership of the house and the lot for a century and a half. These house histories also include large amounts of the genealogy of the families who resided there.<br>The last third of the volume comprises a set of genealogical outlines of many of the families of Norwich. As a result, the reader is provided with a different perspective on these families, permitting comparison of the growth and interconnections of the families with the changing of hands of the houselots.<br>Interspersed throughout the volume are photographs of the houses described, many of them no longer in existence. There are also maps and diagrams showing the layout of the village at different times.
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