California, San Diego Passenger Lists
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California, San Diego Passenger Lists
158,968 records
This collection contains records of passengers who traveled to San Diego, California, United States, between the years 1904 and 1952. Records typically include the name of the passenger, year and place of birth, year of arrival, and the name of the ship.<br><br>Early passenger lists were single-page manifests and recorded minimal information about passengers. Over time, forms were standardized and additional questions were added. By 1907, passenger manifests contained 29 columns and were two pages wide. The addition of names and addresses of relatives both in the United States and in the home country were also added to manifests starting in 1907.<br><br>A common omission for genealogists when dealing with two-page manifests has been to locate the first page and miss the existence of the second. This collection includes single joint images that have been stitched together, so that important information will not be missed.<br><br>
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