Ohio, Stark County Probate Court Registrations
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Ohio, Stark County Probate Court Registrations
1,153,176 records
This collection contains court registrations of the Stark County Probate Court from the year 1809 onwards. Records typically include the names of the individuals involved in the case, their residence, the date of the trial, the date of death of the deceased, and other information about the court and the case.<br><br>
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Benjamin F. FairlessCourt: Between Mar 7 1962 and Aug 3 1962 - Stark, Ohio, United States
Benjamin Franklin Fairless was an American steel company executive. He was president of a wide range of steel companies during a turbulent and formative period in the American steel industry. Fairless was a well-known humanitarian, and one of the few steel executives willing to allow unionization in the steel industry. He received the Medal for Merit in 1946 for helping to break steel production bottlenecks in the United States during World War II.