1766 Ireland Religious Census
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1766 Ireland Religious Census
19,256 records
This collection contains records of individuals documented as part of the Ireland Religious Census of 1766. Records typically include the name of the individual, place of residence, and religion.<br><br>The 1766 Ireland Religious Census was a survey conducted by the government of Ireland to determine the religious affiliations of the population. It was part of an effort to regulate religious practices and to ensure that taxes were being collected appropriately.<br>The census recorded the number of individuals affiliated with each of the major religious groups in Ireland, including the Church of Ireland (Anglican), the Roman Catholic Church, and the Presbyterian Church. It also recorded the number of individuals who were not affiliated with any particular religious group. The census has been used by historians to gain insight into the religious demographics of Ireland in the mid-18th century. It has also been used to study the attitudes of the government toward religious minorities and to examine the impact of government policies on religious communities.<br><br>This collection contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
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