Indiana, Civil War Muster Rolls
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Indiana, Civil War Muster Rolls
211,875 records
This collection contains records of soldiers who had served with Indiana regiments in the American Civil War between the years 1861 and 1865. These records originate from muster rolls kept at the Indiana Adjutant General’s office and typically include the name of the soldier, age, date and place of enlistment, and date of discharge. Records also may include the military branch, regiment and the company in which the soldier served.<br><br>Shortly after the turn of the century, the Adjutant General’s office hired several clerks to index the deteriorating original muster rolls, in an effort to more readily locate the records of soldiers who needed confirmation of their service to apply for military pensions.
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Lewis WallaceEnlisted: Apr 25 1861
Lewis Wallace was an American lawyer, Union general in the American Civil War, governor of the New Mexico Territory, politician, diplomat, and author from Indiana. He was appointed Indiana's adjutant general and commanded the 11th Indiana Infantry Regiment. participated in the Battle of Fort Donelson, the Battle of Shiloh, and the Battle of Monocacy.