Quebec Marriage Returns, 1926-1997
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Quebec Marriage Returns, 1926-1997
7,901,306 records
Starting in the 1920s the Provincial Health Service in the Province of Quebec instigated a program to record marriages conducted in the Province. These records, initially created for statistical purposes, contain similar information one would find on a traditional marriage license – this includes the names of the bride and groom, their birthdates, date and place of the marriage, and a number of other facts which evolved and changed over the 70 years this collection covers. This includes information such as the bride’s and groom’s occupations, addresses before and after marriage, religion, citizenship, racialorigin, and native language. Starting in 1975 information about the parents of the bride and groom, including their names and birth places, were also recorded and are included in the searchable index of this collection.<br><br><p>A common social and religious tradition among Roman Catholic families in Quebec is to give their sons the given name of Joseph and their daughters the given name of Marie (or Mary) along with other given names that the child would use throughout his or her life. This tradition is reflected in this collection with a large percentage of men using “Joseph” and women using “Marie” or “Mary” as part of their full legal names.<br></p><br><p>Until the late 1960s and into the early 1970s it was normal for a woman to take her husband’s last name and drop her maiden name for social and colloquial purposes – although her legal surname was still her maiden name. Since 1976 a woman, upon marriage in Quebec, cannot legally change her surname to their husband’s surname without a special ruling that is issued by the Provincial Government and requires significant effort and costs.</p><br><p>Not all fields on the original documents have been transcribed and it is recommended to carefully read the scanned document presented with each marriage return.</p>
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Joseph Roger Mario Lemieux is a former hockey player and NHL Hall of Famer. He came out of retirement and led Canada to an Olympic gold medal in 2002 before officially retiring in 2006. Lemieux married Nathalie Asselin on June 26, 1993.