Ireland's Memorial Records, 1914 - 1918
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Ireland's Memorial Records, 1914 - 1918
49,603 records
This collection contains the details of over 49,000 fatal casualties of the Great War. The men and women commemorated either served in Irish Regiments, were born or were resident in Ireland at the time of their death and were serving with units from Britain and its empire.<br>The principle information given for each person quite often contains additional facts such as age and elaboration on how they died. Details of pre-war medal entitlement and other odd facts occasionally occur. This is the only publication to bring so many of the Great War dead from Ireland together in order that they may be individually and collectively honoured and remembered.<br><br>In the early 1920s, £5,000 of the National War Memorial funds were spent collecting and publishing these details in Ireland's Memorial Records. One hundred copies of the eight-volume set were printed ‘for distribution through the principal libraries of the country'. The printing, decoration and binding of the volumes was carried out by Irish artists and workers of the highest reputation and efficiency.<br>The most remarkable feature of the volumes are the beautiful symbolic borders designed by the artist Harry Clarke, best-known for his work in stained glass.
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