The Maryland family history research page lists data collections relevant to Maryland.
Start your search here to find ancestors originating from Maryland and to research historical records pertaining to Maryland.
Start your search here to find ancestors originating from Maryland and to research historical records pertaining to Maryland.

Maryland collections
- Maryland Deaths 10,086,471 records
- Maryland Marriages 4,123,496 records
- Maryland Births, 1875-1922 2,323,477 records
- Baltimore, Maryland Passenger Lists, 1891-1943 1,154,030 records
- Baltimore, Maryland, Passenger List Card Index, 1820-1897 779,885 records
- Maryland Newspapers, 1790-2009 472,259 pages in 10 newspaper titles
- Maryland, Washington County Obituaries 188,863 records
- Maryland, Washington County Marriages 129,593 records
- Maryland, Baltimore City Deaths 104,109 records
- Washington College (Chestertown, MD), 1909 - 2010 14,984 records