Jones Web Site

Welcome to Jones Web Site

My name is Paula Jones and I am the Site manager of this site. I encourage anyone I have invited to add as many people as you wish in the family, the only thing I ask is that you put in as much information on that person as you have and that you are sure is accurate i.e. birth and death dates, dates of marriage, divorce, service history, location of birth and death. My goal is to get the most complete and accurate site we can. Please add you spouses family and any information. This site will smart match. It will be fun and educational for us to see the tree grow.  Also feel free to upload photos, if you are not sure how you can always e-mail them to me and be sure to let me know who is in them.Be sure to visit the activities tab and sign the guestbook and take a poll.This site was created using This is a great system that allows anyone like you and I to create a site for their family and even publish their family tree on the Internet.If you have any comments or feedback about this site, please click here to contact me.Our family tree is posted online on this site! There are 135 names in our family tree. The earliest event is the birth of Charles Miller (Feb 16, 1845). The most recent event is the birth of Jordan Rafeal on August 14, 2011,Enjoy!  

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