Bush Family Website

Welcome to Bush Family Website

My name is Tom Bush...(known to some of you as brother, Uncle Tom, Papa, Grandpa or Papa Tom)...and I started this site to help us all keep in touch with each other and help us to remember those special occasions that come up in our extended families. Your participation is encouraged and as each week passes, my prayer is that we might grow closer together as a family, in spite of any outside differences we might have.This interactive site was created using MyHeritage.com.  This is a cool system that allows anyone like you and I to create a private site for our family, build the family tree and share family photos.  Please review the information that I have included about you and your families and make sure I haven't included any errors or omitted anyone and/or any of their information.If you have any comments or feedback about this site, please email me at:  tomb5646@gmail.com  to contact me. Our Bush Family Tree currently begins around 1665 with the birth of Johannes Ter Bos (Ter Bosch, Ter Bush) and goes to the present (December 2020).  I have tried to include the information directly related to his direct decendants, such as who they married and the children they had. The site was last updated on December 15, 2020 and it currently has fifteen registered members out of 23 invited.  Please register and join the fun!!   Enjoy!

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