Cabrera Family Tree Web Site

Welcome to Cabrera Family Tree Web Site

I am your brother, cousin, tito, lolo Le'o Cabrera and I started this site in preparation for the second grand reunion of the Cabrera Clan on Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2012 in Taal, Batangas, the hometown of our forefathers.This site is intended to introduce every member of our clan to all so that come reunion time, we shall all be familiar with each other.   It is therefore important that we cooperate by providing your bio-information and updating me of any development in the clan, including new births, marriages, achievements or citations.  This site is also an opportunity to share your thoughts, comments, family photos and anecdotes much like having our own social network - a forum for private exchanges within the family. If you have any comments or feedback about this site, please click here to contact me.Our family tree is posted online on this site! There are 186 names in our family site.The site was last updated on Apr 12 2022, and it currently has 5 registered member(s). .As we journey together in this familial endeavor, let us thank the Lord for keeping us together even in cyber space. Enjoy and God bless.

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