Huntington Family in America, 1633 - 1915
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Търси в Huntington Family in America, 1633 - 1915
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Huntington Family in America, 1633 - 1915
1 228 записи
Huntington Family in America: a Genealogical Memoir of the Known Descendants of Simon Huntington From 1633 To 1915, Including Those Who Have Retained the Family Name, And Many Bearing Other Surnames (1915).<br><br> Much of the material was collected by Samuel Gladding Huntington, Richard Thomas Huntington and Samuel Huntington, of Plainfield, N. J. who assisted in preparing this work for the press<br><br>"This book may be considered as a continuation and development of a Genealogical memoir of the Huntington family,&apos; published in 1863, by the Rev. E. B. Huntington."<br><br>"Constitution of the Huntington family association": p. 7-8
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