Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania, 1740 - 1773
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إبحث في Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania, 1740 - 1773
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الكلمات الأساسية
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Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania, 1740 - 1773
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Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania, 1740 - 1773. With an Added Index (From the <i>Pennsylvania Archives</i>, Second Series, Vol. 2, 1890). John B. Linn and William H. Egle.<br><br> Indexed Edition. (1967) 139 pp.<br>The information on each individual in this work consists of the full name, place of residence and date of naturalization, as well as the location of the county court and the name(s) of the judges who conferred citizenship upon the applicants for naturalization. Most of the 3,000 persons listed were Quakers.
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