History of the Town of Stonington
777 записи
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History of the Town of Stonington
777 записи
History of the Town of Stonington. Richard Anson Wheeler. (1900) 2007. Wheeler has combined a topical history of the first two-and-a-half centuries of the town of Stonington, Connecticut, with extensive<br><br> genealogical accounts of the town&apos;s families, placing special emphasis on several of the founding families and carrying many lines well into the nineteenth century.<br>The historical section, comprising the first third of the volume, includes chapters on churches, schools, business activities and the participation of Stonington&apos;s residents in the country&apos;s wars. Especially for the early years, extensive verbatim transcripts from contemporary records are included. The author included in this part of the book comprehensive lists of those individuals from the town who performed military duty and of those who held town offices.<br>The genealogical section outlines the descendants of nearly one hundred ancestral heads of family, with hundreds of family groups and thousands of individuals. Wheeler paid especially close attention to the families of the founding generation of the middle of the seventeenth century, adding extra narrative material to these sketches.<br>An appendix provides complete transcripts of many wills and other estate papers for several of the early settlers.
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