New Zealand PO Directory 1905 (Wise)
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New Zealand PO Directory 1905 (Wise)
1 729 записей
New Zealand PO Directory 1905 (Wise). Wise. 1905. The 1905 edition of Wise&apos;s Post Office Directory for New Zealand is divided into three main sections: Towns; Alphabetical; and Trades and Professions.<br><br> These three classifications enable the enquirer to see at a glance the Householders or Traders in any one town; the business and address of any resident in the colony; and the firms throughout New Zealand engaged in any trade or profession.</p><p><b>The Towns section</b> contains separate alphabetical directories for over 2,000 towns, boroughs, cities and districts.</p><p><b>The Alphabetical section</b> contains the names, occupations and postal addresses for the entire colony.</p><p><b>The Trades section</b> shows the business firms of the State, arranged under their trade or profession.</p><p>Separate directories are given in the following areas, making the work comprehensive and complete</p><ul><li>Medical </li><li>Ecclesiastical </li><li>Legal </li><li>Educational </li><li>Banking and finance</li><li>County council</li><li>Municipal</li><li>Insurance </li><li>Pastoral </li><li>Agricultural</li><li>Marine </li><li>Local and General Government </li></ul><p>The directory includes many pages of advertisements - all useful information, often including names of people and places. </p>
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