Wales, Parish Deaths and Burials
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Wales, Parish Deaths and Burials
3 149 924 записей
This collection includes records from Wales. These records include a transcript of the individual entry from the original record book. The amount of detail in each record may vary, when available the record will include; the given name and surname of the deceased, age, birth date (birth year is often established by the age given at death. In some instances the age was not known and may have been estimated for the records), burial date, death date, mother’s name, father’s name, next of kin’s name (usually spouse), parish, and location.<br><br>Most people who lived in Wales before the mid-nineteenth century are in a church record. Civil authorities did not begin registering vital records until July 1837, therefore church records are the best source of family information before this date.The records may use the patronymic naming system. This system started in Wales in the 15th century through to the mid-18th century. It is the practice of using the father’s first name as the child’s surname. Usually, ‘ab’ or ‘ap’ is added between the child’s first name and the father’s first name. For example, Dylan ap Lewis is Dylan son of Lewis.
Образец записи
Ричард УилсонПохоронен: 15 мая 1782
Ричард Уилсон был влиятельным уэльским художником-пейзажистом, работавшим в Великобритании и Италии. Он признан первооткрывателем в британском пейзажном искусстве и был описан в энциклопедии уэльской академии Уэльса как «самый выдающийся художник, которого когда-либо создавал Уэльс, и первый, кто оценил эстетические возможности своей страны».