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Monson Family Tree
FTBEnglish249Feb 4 2018 10:35
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About our family tree

Welcome to our family tree!

My name is Carol Monson and I am the Site manager of this Web site.
My genealogy research is focused on the following families: Monson, Jacobson, Finli (Finley), and Egge

Thank you for visiting!

About our family

My family all came from Norway. The Vikings are probably responsible for my being 3% Irish, 1% Eastern European, and 1% Greek or Italian! The Monsons were from Ringsaker in Hedmark , Andersons from Land ; the Jacobsons from Oppland, The (Finlis) Finleys from Trondheim, Lerfalds from Oslo, Egges/Kjos' from Gran, Brandbu, and (Lies)Lees from Honefoss. Perhaps the most prominent features in our family was the artistry and music. This ran deep on both sides. Some were teachers, a doctor or two, some politicians, some writers, and one judge. Many were farmers, carpenters, or and/or woodsmen. The women were millaners, seamstresses, knitters, and the like; and there were singers, instrumentalists, and oil painters on both sides and of both genders. All were Christians... all were Lutherans, of course, and all loved to laugh! \"\\"Smile\\"\"

Missing pieces

I have some missing Monson ancestors due to a church fire in Ringsaker, Norway in the 1800's, which burned up the records there.  Christian Monson, Munsen, Monsen, was my second great grandfather,and that's as far back as I know. He married Agnethe Pedersdtr, from Biri. She passed away in Norway, and he married Oline Roberg or Rodahl. I have the American history of them, but not much from Norway.

I am also shy on my Mortenson ancestors. Torkild Mortensen and his wife, Elen Hansdtr were my second great grandparents, also. I haven't many records of them from Norway, and would like to trace them back farther. Both couples had farms in Richland County, Wisconsin.

If anyone has any information on them, I'd be so grateful! Thank you!