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Family tree
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FTBEnglish250Feb 4 2010 10:28
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About our family tree

Welcome to our family tree!

Hey all! I'm Hannah Overton, and I've set up this website as part of a project. I think that it will provide an easy way for all members to access family information. However, I also know that many of you have a lot of names, dates, occupations, places, and further details that I have no idea about. If any of you have information or stories you'd like to share, please contact me, and I'll put it on the site! 

About our family

Our little (if you call eight a "little" number) family has been in Texas for about 28 years, since Dad (Todd) and Mom (Leslie Blanpied) moved here after their marriage in 1981. In all of the geneology I've done for our family, we are the first to "settle" in Texas. In the past five years, the Ballards (Mom's sister's family) joined us in Texas and we share a piece of property overlooking Eagle Mountain lake; also, my grandparents, Robert and Carollon Blanpied moved from Georgia this past year, and the Cooks (Mom's cousin's family) have lived in Texas quite some time now. 

We are all active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, thanks to our ancestors from Sweden, England, the Netherlands, etc., who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and the plains of North America simply to join the church they believed was true. While most names are not well-known (even to those of us who are their descendents, sadly) they were heroes in their own right. Many lived quietly, some being born, living, and dying in the same place, while others went from one continent to another with many trials and adventures in between.

 It has been fascinating learning a few stories of the ones before me, and seeing where bits and pieces of my personality come from. I hope that you will join me in finding out as much as we possibly can. It is a great work, and it will continue whether we lift a finger to help or not. But if we do help, it will only be for our benefit.

Missing pieces

As to geneology:

Specifically I'm missing anything beyond Doris Khoeler, if you have her lines.

Also, as of right now I'm ignorant of the ordinance status of most of the names in this database. If you know them, I would love to be made aware so that we can complete any temple work that is undone. 

Thank you for all the work you've done already!