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Topete Family Tree
FTBEnglish2,536Apr 17 2022 15:43
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About our family tree
Welcome to our family tree!

My name is Gil Topete and I am the Site manager of this Web site.
My genealogy research is focused on the following families: TopeteGallagherHandTorresLearnedIf you wish to contribute genealogy information or send your feedback, please contact me here.
Thank you for visiting!
About our family

In my quest to learn more about my family that began in October 2011, I have learned much about my Topete and Bordes on my fathers side.  With much help from newly rediscovered relatives both close and distant in relationship I have discovered that almost all Topete from North America can trace their ancestory back from one man named Captain Pedro Enriques Topete who came to the New World circa 1600 and according to the Mexician historian Jesus Amaya Topete, was a mayor of small town near Ameca. The story goes that this one man and his wife Ana Ojeda de Ahumada sired the children whose decendants now populate many parts of Mexico and the United State.  Other geneologists have also identifed that the Topetes are a noble family who can trace their ancestors to the far eastern parts of Spain that were once part of Portugal.  These ancestors comprised of several families claim they can trace their ultimate origins to King Ordonez II of Leon.   While this all sounds impressive the journey foward and merging of families within Mexico reveals more than one story about families who can trace their ancestors to conquistadors who were counted among the founders of Guadalajara, as well as, families who claim ancestry to the Lancasters of England and even, if it can be believed back to Charlemagne.  

More recently events are not as dramatic but may be viewed as equally impressive.  My line of Topete in the past 110 years married into the Bordes Family of Mexico whose own ancestors came in the mid 1850s from France. Tracing those lines a picture emerges of two different families from opposites side of France whose children ultimatley meet in Chile - decendants of the Bordes include several personalities from Mexicos revolutionat history and modern artistic culture. My great uncle was Enrique Bordes Mangel who was among the men who joined Francsico Madero to Texas to make plans for the Mexican Revolution from 1910.  Members of this group of men ultimately included Pancho Villa among the revolutionaries.  His son, and my grand-uncle was Enrique Bordes Mangel II the photographer who took pictures of the raw and turbulent social upheaval in Mexico during the 50's and early 70s.  And in Mexico cinemas, I count as not so distant cousins Diana Bracho and Julio Bracho.   

My family tree also includes my wife's family and what a discovery of so many individuals who can claim descent from her maternal line. I count at least 40 other members of who can trace their respective lines back to the late 1500s.  Truly amazing.

Missing pieces
My mothers family remains the biggest mystery to date.  While I have found my ancestors up to my great-great grand parents I have run up against a deadend so far but more still needs to be researched and that will undoubtedly be an joyable quest.