
Welcome to GRIFFITH/Brown/Hill/Coon/Bidwell

Welcome to the Griffith Family Tree.  A tree that has Grown and sprung many wonderful people.  We are  descendants of Prince Mawr ap Griffith, Prince of South Wales in 1077.   We are from Kings- LLewellyn the last KIng of Wales.  Our Family has  produced Doctors, Newspaper editors, Printers, Officers in the Revolutionary War, battle  of 1812 and the Civil War.  We have inventors and we have those that fought to end slavery.  A justice of Peace, runner for the senate, Iron workers and Police officers.   I have started this tree to educate our children to learn and to follow.  The most part to FIND OUT WHO WE REALLY ARE. Enjoy this website and walk back into our ancestors times and see how far we have grown. 

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