Olesen-Beck Web Site

Welcome to Olesen-Beck Web Site

My name is Denise English;Robert Swanson created this site in 2009. He maintained the site until his death in 2014. I was asked to take over the Olesen-Beck portion of the site in 2016. Lee LaRose has agreed to continue with the maintenance for now. The purpose is to continue  to create a private site for the Olesen-Beck family to grow the family tree and share family photos. Important  there are now Three trees on this site.  When you look at the family tree you will see on the right hand side a box saying family tree to display.  The Olesen-Beck tree can not be edited. Please make changes and additions to the other one labeled editable-beck and update the Olesen-Beck site.  There is now a new tree for my fathers family This site sends out monthly news letters, birthday and aniversary greeting to everyone that has an email address.  If you do not want this you can change what you receive by going to Settings/My preferences The photos in the family tree are the first ones identified with your name.  To change goto MY PROFILE in the upper right hand corner and upload a photo that you would prefer.

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