Jordan King Web Site

Welcome to Jordan King Web Site

My name is Dennis Lambert and I am the Webmaster of this site.This site was created by Ken Jordan and myself to help educate those who are related to him about his ancestors and the many folks that are related. This is an on-going project that is continually updated and we hope you enjoy and find what he have posted educational.We are still researching both the Jordan and Northcutt lines that make up Ken's paternal and maternal linage. Any information that you might find in error, please let us know so that we can get it recorded correctly. At the same time, we need more information on certain folks like Mary Fultze and Abe Price. Both of these folks were married to each other once, but evidence of that has yet to be found. If you know anything about them please contact us through this web site's message board. We are also in search for photos of any family members and any infomation about the family such as marriage dates, places of birth and death, cousins, and the like be they distant or closely related.   There is a guestbook for visitors to sign. To access and/or sign please cick on the "Activities" box above and then click on "Guestbook" just below that when new page opens. Comments and suggestions are welcome.If you have any comments or feedback about this site, please click here to contact me.

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