Winward Family Genealogy

Welcome to Winward Family Genealogy

My name is Georgia Winward and I started this site.This site was created using This is a great system that allows anyone like you and me to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos. So far, we have 4 Family Trees started. Winward Ancestry Family Tree is based on the ancestors on Charles Winward Sr.'s father's side. Hietsch Family Tree is based on the ancestors on Georgia's father's side. Buchanan Family Tree is the most extensive. It's based on the ancestors on Georgia's mother's side. The newest is the Winward Family Tree, based on Charles W. Winward and Georgia L. (Hietsch) Winward and their descendents.Click the "Apps" tab, then choose Articles to see a lot of historical information about our family. The Buchanan genealogy is most complete. The Rothkugel genealogy is new (for me) and is a work in progress. If you have any comments on any of the genealogies, please contact me through this website.Chuck and I plan to visit Philadelphia in October to do some "grave hopping." We'll take some pictures and post them here.

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