Golden Web Site

Welcome to Golden Web Site

My name is Gary Cook and I started this site.This site was created using This is a great system that allows anyone like you and me to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos. Why Golden - Golden Web Site name was chosen by me because it is the earliest family that I can trace back in this country.  The Golden's came into the country before Ellis Island and the flood of immigrants.Who's First - Please do not be offended if I do not have information on your part of the family yet.  I have started with the oldest family members to get a base of information and will be moving forward.  Usually if I am working on one family or person I continue to search until I run out of information.  I will be requesting information to fill in the blanks as I get to the current generation.Time Spent - I have been working on the family tree since April 2008 in my spare time.What is the Goal - My goal is to provide current generation with a history of our family.  Most of my knowledge of my family came from verbal conversation with relatives.......nothing was written.  My hope is younger family members will use this information and will continue to up-date for future generation.  

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