Allen/Daub Family Tree

Welcome to Allen/Daub Family Tree

My name is Tanya Allen and I am the Site manager of this site.I recently became interested in my family's past, where they came from and where we are going. I started out setting up my family tree as best I could, until I realized I couldnt get much past my Great Grandparents. I quickly realized I was going to need some help.  So please feel free to add any person, or information, I havent.  And to change any information I have wrong.  A lot of what I am going on is word of mouth, and my memory of things that I have heard, so both can be faulty.   I appreciate all the help anyone can give me.  Thank you in advance.   TanyaIf you have any comments or feedback about this site, please click here to contact me.This site was created using

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