McLaughlin Web Site

Welcome to McLaughlin Web Site

Welcome aboard.The current cover photograph is of the McCracken Family around 1912. My Mother Margaret(Peggy) is the baby. The photo was taken for her christening.If this is your first visit, I'm pleased you made it and welcome back to all who wish to check the family details again. Revisit as many times as you can and contribute. If you wish you can edit your own or your family details, alternatively, you can contact me and I will enter them for you.Please note that you will receive an Automatic update on forthcoming events(Birthdays, anniversaries etc) Like all automatically generated stuff you can opt out by simply unsubscribing at the bottom of the newsletter.You can create your own site and link it to this one. You can also publish and print out charts of the family trees and reports on where your particular family line goes, and even publish your family tree on the Internet. If you have any comments or feedback about this site, please click to contact me.Our family tree is posted online on this site! There are 870 plus names in our family site.The site was last updated on October 2021, and it currently has 60 registered member(s).   We are a Premium site which means we are ad-free. However the main reason I upgraded was to allow more folk to be added to our tree.In addition to that, we now have about 500Mb of space for pictures, so if you have any photos you want to add go ahead, I'll tell you when to stop!!If you want to add documents, you may have to convert them to .jpeg format before uploading to the Document site. The web owners appear to have discontinued uploads of PDF format.Any problems, well you know my email, Cheers, Bill McLaughlin Site manager 

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