McDowell-Greer Web Site

Welcome to McDowell-Greer Web Site

Welcome to the official McDowell-Greer Family Website. Take the time to explore the site and you will find many interesting items.  Also, if you find information that is incorrect or you have something to share, please email and let me know.  Due to some of the information contained here, this site is private and limited to family members.  Only those whose names appear on the family tree are permitted to have access. Please respect everyone's privacy. There are 202 names in our family site.The tree is a work in progress that continues each day as more information is received.  To view one of the trees, choose the view family tree tab. When the next page comes up , click on the list tab and for the tree view, you can choose either one.  They both show the information differently, so give them both a try.  Make sure to click on the individual names.  You will be able to see if information has been entered on that particular person.  Information needed includes things like: dates of birth to include city location, marriage dates to include city locations, divorce dates, death dates including city locations, if parents are not married then biological parents names, etc.  In this day and age with everything and everyone being so spread out and busy, it is important to know our roots and this is a gift we can pass down to our children and future generations.  However, it must be accurate and truthful. **Additional Note:  I realize there is a glitch regarding some step-children and natural parents on the chart.  I am hoping the company will release an update that provides better options for this or maybe I can find a way around it.  In any case, I have made notes in the individual profiles that denote biological parentage on the program I have.   If you have any comments or feedback about this site, please please contact me.  My name is Sonya Gilmer Lovett and I am the Webmaster of this site.Enjoy!

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