Gale, Alexander, Shaw Family Tree

Welcome to Gale, Alexander, Shaw Family Tree

This site was created by John and Trudy Gardner.  Trudy (Shaw) is the grandaughter of Henry James Shaw for whom this site was originally named. We created this site to share information Trudy and her mother collected on the Shaw Family. Currently the site is monitored by Pat (Duthie) Smith, the great grandaughter of Henry James.This site was created using This is a great system that allows anyone like you and I to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos. The site is editable on line by members. Geneology comments and questions should be directed to Pat (Duthie) Smith - The current emphasis is on the ancestors, decendents, and children of Henry Shaw - Some of these families are:  Shaws, Gales, Alexanders.Our family tree is posted online on this site! There are 3229 names in our family site.The site was last updated on May 20 2024, and it currently has 18 registered member(s). If you wish to become a member too, please click here.   Effective last June John arranged for this site to be backed up monthly.  This should insure we do not loose any of our data or pictures.Enjoy

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